‘When an inner situation is not made conscious it happens outside as fate’

- C.G. Jung -

‘Curing happens in the physical body, but true healing takes place in the Soul’

- Petra -

‘When an inner situation is not made conscious it happens outside as fate’

- C.G. Jung -

‘Curing happens in the physical body, but true healing takes place in the Soul’

- Petra -

I am Petra van der Wildt, Jungian Psychologist and Acupuncturist. Jungian Psychology is a depth psychology founded by the well-known Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Jung. The beauty of depth psychology, as the word suggests, is that it works primarily through accessing the subconscious mind. Approximately 95% of our mind is subconscious. When we let that sink in for a minute… you start to realize how much hidden potential we can unlock to unleash our full potential. In accessing the subconscious we begin to discover previously hidden connections, deeper meaning and the patterns that trigger our conscious behavior.

If this resonates with you, and you would like to know a bit more about me, click here to read more.

I am Petra van der Wildt, Jungian Psychologist and Acupuncturist. Jungian Psychology is a depth psychology founded by the well-known Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Jung. The beauty of depth psychology, as the word suggests, is that it works primarily through accessing the subconscious mind. Approximately 95% of our mind is subconscious. When we let that sink in for a minute… you start to realize how much hidden potential we can unlock to unleash our full potential. In accessing the subconscious we begin to discover previously hidden connections, deeper meaning and the patterns that trigger our conscious behavior.

If this resonates with you, and you would like to know a bit more about me, click here to read more.

Why choose Jungian Psychology?

Jungian psychology focusses on the experience of the individual. This is a different approach than that of cognitive therapy and behavioral therapy. These therapies approach symptoms and complaints respectively via “the thinking mind” and “thought patterns”. They deal with “undesirable behavior” and how to adjust this. This can certainly give you a feeling of control, however the underlying currents that drive these subconscious patterns will remain unaddressed. Symptoms and complaints will resurface after a while in another way or form. With analytical depth psychology, you will go much further and beyond the adjustments of behavior. Deep awareness will give us the necessary tools to recognize, understand and change those parts of ourselves that we were previously unaware of.

How does it work?

The focus will lie on your inner world and connecting you back to your Inner Knowing, what Jung also refers to as the Self. We work with a method called active imagination, that serves as a bridge between the conscious and the subconscious. This a very powerful tool. We also use dream therapy, bodywork, drawing, painting and other methods can be applicable like voice dialogue. Everyone has a personal preference and we use different tools accordingly. Inside yourself lies a vast landscape or uncharted territory, a world of dreams, myths, symbolism and imagination. When we embark on this journey together, you take the first steps on the path of individuation, a wonderful journey that will bring you back on track in your life and reinvigorate you with renewed energy and vibrancy.

Carl Jung

Carl Jung Is the first person who has been able to, through his own experiences and vast knowledge, objectively look and understand our collective psyche. This in an immense achievement. Because of Jung the psyche can be studied as an objective entity instead of it only being something metaphysical and subjective.

Jung discovered the collective unconscious which is the driver in all of us. Within this collective unconscious are the Archetypes, the collective forces that carry the universal collective unspoken inborn psychic dispositions that come alive via imagery, symbolism, art, imagination and dreams. It is comparable to our collective innate instincts (fear of spiders, snakes). These are responses of the physical body. Because the mind is so powerful, Jung compares the archetypes to the organs of our psyche.

Some examples of important archetypes are the Persona (the mask we wear to fit in to the world), the Self and the Shadow. Jung used the archetypes and their archetypical energy to help clients understand their personality and behavioral patterns. You will be surprised how deep the archetypes are imbedded in our subconscious minds.

In therapy, we will work a lot with the shadow because only by learning how to integrate and recognize the shadow we can bring it into the light where it can be transformed into strength and virtue. The shadow contains aspects that we have “put away”, or “covered up” or simply aren’t unaware of, because we don’t want to acknowledge them, or are subconsciously ashamed of.

Because we are usually unaware of our shadow sides, we tend to project them on to others. Jungian therapy is a great tool to take back these projection mechanisms and find hidden talents and deeper self-awareness through deep self-reflection.

Carl Jung

Carl Jung Is the first person who has been able to, through his own experiences and vast knowledge, objectively look and understand our collective psyche. This in an immense achievement. Because of Jung the psyche can be studied as an objective entity instead of it only being something metaphysical and subjective.

Jung discovered the collective unconscious which is the driver in all of us. Within this collective unconscious are the Archetypes, the collective forces that carry the universal collective unspoken inborn psychic dispositions that come alive via imagery, symbolism, art, imagination and dreams. It is comparable to our collective innate instincts (fear of spiders, snakes). These are responses of the physical body. Because the mind is so powerful, Jung compares the archetypes to the organs of our psyche.

Some examples of important archetypes are the Persona (the mask we wear to fit in to the world), the Self and the Shadow. Jung used the archetypes and their archetypical energy to help clients understand their personality and behavioral patterns. You will be surprised how deep the archetypes are imbedded in our subconscious minds.

In therapy, we will work a lot with the shadow because only by learning how to integrate and recognize the shadow we can bring it into the light where it can be transformed into strength and virtue. The shadow contains aspects that we have “put away”, or “covered up” or simply aren’t unaware of, because we don’t want to acknowledge them, or are subconsciously ashamed of.

Because we are usually unaware of our shadow sides, we tend to project them on to others. Jungian therapy is a great tool to take back these projection mechanisms and find hidden talents and deeper self-awareness through deep self-reflection.

What can you expect from and work towards with Jungian Psychology?

As you start to make progress you will start to feel much more aligned with yourself. You will notice more balance in your life and a general feeling of lightness. It is fascinating that as you continue, you will start to notice more synchronicities. Carl Jung is also the person who developed the theory of synchronicity. For example, you will notice how suddenly you will start to attract different people into your life that resonate with you in better ways, or how certain new exciting opportunities present themselves unexpectedly. The more you become aligned with your true self, the more you will start manifesting your true potential. That is the beauty and strength of Jungian depth psychology.


Jungian therapy and
body awareness

One of the most common concerns I hear from clients is that they often find themselves stuck in a constant state of overthinking, overwhelmed by the relentless stream of thoughts flooding their minds. This mental noise can be incredibly challenging to manage. When you can’t control the mind, you will start developing emotional complaints like stress, anxiety, panic attacks, sadness and depression. You might be heading towards a burn-out scenario or are already in a burn-out. With Jungian therapy, we make direct contact with the body and work with the body to release these stuck emotions. Additional acupuncture may also be useful if the client is open to that. The body, and more specifically every cell has memory. When we start to address the body and cell memory, healing starts to take place.

If you are looking to improve your life to the next level with long-term results, don’t hesitate to give yourself this lifetime gift. If you are interested call me for a free consultation.


Jungian Depth Psychology services

I conduct my Psychology sessions at my practice in the Statenkwartier, The Hague. Additionally, I accommodate online video sessions, giving clients the opportunity to receive therapy or coaching from the comfort of their own home.

Individual sessions: €90 per 1 hour session

Fluent in English and Dutch with years of international experience, I understand the challenges of adapting to new cultures and, if needed, can provide the tools for a smooth transition.

Accreditation info | Reimbursement info

Combination Treatments: Jungian Depth Psychology and Acupuncture

Accelerate your healing journey with a powerful combination of Jungian depth psychology and acupuncture. This combination targets both mind and body, unlocking layers of emotional and physical well-being. For more info and client experiences, click here.

Link website: iam-acupuncture.com

Combination treatments: €140 per session, with a duration of 1 hour and 45 min.



  • Statenlaan 52, 2582 GP Den Haag


Opening Hours

My working hours are flexible. Depending on availability appointment can be made after working hours. Please feel free to inquire. I work by appointment only.

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    The question of who you are and who we are collectively as human beings is of fundamental importance. The way you see yourself defines the ethics you live by and how you value yourself. This is precisely where my interest lies. You are so much more than what you have been told.

    Psychology, the study of the psyche, the soul, or spirit, is often limited to the mind. If we leave the spirit out of psychology, we miss the purpose entirely. In today’s world, there's a stronger need than ever to bring back purpose, connection, soulfulness, inspiration, and some much-needed magic! My life quest has been to answer the question, "Who am I?" This journey has led me to immense discoveries, insights, and awareness.

    My studies in Semitic language and culture introduced me to the Middle East. I then delved into Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), learning about Eastern knowledge and acupuncture. I discovered the deep connection between body and mind, both reflections of the spirit. Jung similarly bridged Eastern and Western thought, immersing himself in Taoism, Hinduism, and Western traditions, helping to connect diverse cultural perspectives.

    I look forward to working with you on your path to self-actualization, which Jung calls the path of individuation—the process of integrating the conscious and unconscious aspects of the psyche, leading to wholeness and spiritual fulfillment.

    Understanding our inner child is crucial—a realization that dawned on me through my own trauma. During my birth, I was strangled by the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck, which left me with a lifelong aversion to anything tight around my neck. As a child, I often had recurring nightmares of "almost drowning," which were manifestations of reliving that traumatic experience. It’s fascinating how the body retains all memories on a subconscious level.

    Healing the inner child is essential for personal growth and self-awareness. By addressing deep-seated memories and traumas, we move closer to achieving balance and harmony. Let's embark on this transformative journey together, embracing wisdom from both Eastern and Western traditions, to unlock the fullness of our being and the spirit that connects us all.

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    How it works: We begin with a one-hour psychology session. Following this, acupuncture will deeply relax your body, releasing stuck emotions and unblocking energy pathways. This combination enhances psychological healing, creating a synergistic experience that promotes balance and harmony. Together, these therapies unlock profound layers of your psyche and body, leading to transformative and lasting healing.

    Client experiences

    Client 1 (child trauma involving grief): After my psychology sessions, the acupuncture treatments are incredibly soothing. During the sessions, we delved into my subconscious, unearthing many things I had previously been unaware of. I began to see the underlying patterns of my behavior and the traumas that had shaped them. The long-buried sadness I had been carrying was finally being addressed. Petra, my acupuncturist, explained that in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the lung meridian is associated with sadness. By targeting this area, we could release the grief that had been weighing me down. As she carefully inserted the needles, I felt a warm, tingling sensation spreading through my chest. Almost immediately, tears started flowing freely. I have never experienced anything like this before. It heightened my body awareness and released the long-held grief that had been stuck inside me. These sessions were a turning point, changing me for the better and allowing me to move forward with a lighter heart and clearer mind.

    Client 2 (suffering from acute burnout): The combination of sessions proved to be very powerful. I had heard about cell memory, but I never really experienced this until I met her. When I first came to Petra, I was in bad shape, struggling with burnout. Initially, I felt disheartened, but looking back, it was a blessing in disguise. It was through this journey that I began to understand the patterns that had led to my condition. Petra's extensive methods helped me shift from being trapped in my head to reconnecting with my body. Together, we uncovered deep-seated issues of co-dependency and patterns of addiction. The primary energy blockages were in my kidneys. I learned that in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the kidneys are linked with base energy and fear, and by targeting grounding acupuncture points and balancing the kidney energy, I now feel significantly less fear and much stronger than ever before. It has not only alleviated my burnout but also empowered me with a deeper understanding and control over my own well-being.

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    De vraag naar wie je bent en wie wij collectief als mensen zijn, is van fundamenteel belang. Hoe je jezelf ziet, bepaalt niet alleen de ethiek waarmee je leeft, maar ook de waarde die je aan jezelf toekent. Dit is precies waar mijn interesse ligt: je bent zoveel meer dan wat je ooit is verteld.

    Psychologie, de studie van de psyche, de ziel of geest, wordt vaak beperkt tot enkel ‘het verstand’. Wanneer we de ziel buiten beschouwing laten in de psychologie, missen we het werkelijke doel volledig. In de huidige wereld is er meer dan ooit behoefte aan het herontdekken van inspiratie, bezieling, verbinding en de onmisbare magie! Mijn levensdoel is altijd geweest om de vraag te beantwoorden: "Wie ben ik?" en hoe kan ik nog bewuster leven? Deze zoektocht heeft me geleid tot diepe inzichten, ontdekkingen en een groter bewustzijn.

    Mijn studies in de Semitische taal en cultuur brachten me naar het Midden-Oosten. Vervolgens verdiepte ik me in de Traditionele Chinese Geneeskunde (TCM), waar ik kennismaakte met oosterse wijsheid en acupunctuur. Hier ontdekte ik de diepe connectie tussen lichaam en geest, beide als reflecties van de ziel. Jung bracht op vergelijkbare wijze oosterse en westerse denkbeelden samen door zich te verdiepen in het taoïsme, hindoeïsme en westerse tradities, en hielp zo diverse culturele perspectieven te verbinden.

    Ik kijk ernaar uit om je te begeleiden op je pad naar zelfverwezenlijking, wat Jung het pad van individuatie noemt—het proces van integratie van de bewuste en onbewuste aspecten van de psyche, leidend tot heelheid en spirituele vervulling.

    Het begrijpen van ons innerlijke kind is daarbij cruciaal, een inzicht dat bij mij naar voren kwam door mijn eigen geboortetrauma. Als kind had ik vaak nachtmerries over 'bijna verdrinken', manifestaties van het herbeleven van die traumatische ervaring. De verstikking door de navelstreng heeft me een levenslange afkeer gegeven van alles wat strak om mijn nek zit. Het is fascinerend hoe het lichaam op een onderbewust niveau alle herinneringen vasthoudt.

    Het helen van het innerlijke kind is essentieel voor persoonlijke groei en zelfbewustzijn. Door diepgewortelde herinneringen en trauma's aan te pakken, komen we dichter bij het bereiken van balans en harmonie. Het lichaam is de plaats waar het onbewuste zich manifesteert, en daarom is het belangrijk om het lichaam bij therapie te betrekken. Een nieuwe wereld opent zich voor je zodra je je binnenwereld beter leert kennen. Dit is een verdiepende reis die je werkelijk zal transformeren!

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    Hoe het werkt:

    "We beginnen met een psychologiesessie van een uur, waarin we dieper ingaan op je gedachten en emoties. Daarna volgt een acupunctuursessie, die je lichaam in een staat van diepe ontspanning brengt, vastzittende emoties vrijmaakt en energiebanen deblokkeert. Deze unieke combinatie bevordert psychologisch herstel, en helpt balans en harmonie te herstellen. Door deze therapieën te integreren, openen we de diepere lagen van zowel je psyche als je lichaam, wat resulteert in transformatieve en blijvende genezing."

    Ervaring van cliënt 1 (kindertrauma met betrekking tot verdriet):

    Na mijn psychologiesessies vond ik de acupunctuurbehandelingen heel rustgevend. Tijdens de sessies dook ik diep in mijn onderbewustzijn en ontdekte veel zaken waarvan ik me eerder niet bewust was. Ik begon de onderliggende patronen van mijn gedrag en de trauma's die deze hadden gevormd te herkennen. Het lang begraven verdriet dat ik met me meedroeg, werd eindelijk aangepakt. Petra, legde uit dat volgens de Traditionele Chinese Geneeskunde (TCM) de longmeridiaan geassocieerd is met verdriet. Door dit gebied te behandelen, konden we het verdriet loslaten dat me neerdrukte. Terwijl ze de naalden voorzichtig inbracht, voelde ik een warme, tintelende sensatie door mijn borst verspreiden. Bijna onmiddellijk begonnen de tranen vrijelijk te stromen. Ik had nog nooit zoiets meegemaakt. De behandeling verhoogde mijn lichaamsbewustzijn en hielp me het lang vastgehouden verdriet los te laten. Deze sessies waren een keerpunt; ze veranderden me ten goede en stelden me in staat verder te gaan met een lichter hart en een helderder geest.

    Cliënt 2 (met acute burn-out):

    De sessies met Petra waren buitengewoon krachtig. Hoewel ik eerder had gehoord over celgeheugen, had ik het nog nooit zo intens ervaren. Toen ik haar voor het eerst ontmoette, was ik uitgeput en gevangen in een zware burn-out. Aanvankelijk voelde ik me moedeloos, maar achteraf gezien was deze ervaring een zegen in vermomming. Dankzij Petra’s unieke aanpak begon ik de patronen te begrijpen die mij in deze toestand hadden gebracht. Ze hielp me uit mijn hoofd te komen en opnieuw verbinding te maken met mijn lichaam. Samen ontdekten we diepgewortelde co-dependancy en verslavingspatronen, waarbij de grootste energieblokkades in mijn nieren zaten. Volgens de Chinese Geneeskunde zijn de nieren verbonden met basisenergie en angst. Door het behandelen van aardende acupunctuurpunten en het balanceren van mijn nierenergie, voel ik nu veel minder angst en ben ik sterker dan ooit. Deze sessies hebben niet alleen mijn burn-out verlicht, maar hebben me ook een dieper inzicht en meer controle over mijn eigen welzijn gegeven.

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    I am accredited by CAT (Collective Alternative Therapists), and follow

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    Check: kwaliteitstherapeuten.nl

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    Uw recht op privacy wordt in mijn praktijk gewaarborgd conform het gestelde in de nieuwe wet Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming (AVG 25 mei 2018). Ik heb een wettelijke geheimhoudingsplicht (beroepsgeheim).

    Voor een goede behandeling is het noodzakelijk dat ik, als uw behandelende therapeut, een dossier aanleg. Dit is ook een wettelijke plicht opgelegd door de WGBO (Wet op de geneeskundige behandelovereenkomst). Uw dossier bevat aantekeningen over uw gezondheidstoestand en gegevens over de uitgevoerde onderzoeken en behandelingen.

    Ook worden in het dossier gegevens opgenomen die voor uw behandeling noodzakelijk zijn en die ik, na uw expliciete toestemming, heb opgevraagd bij een andere zorgverlener bijvoorbeeld bij de huisarts.

    Uw privacy wordt gewaarborgd doordat onbevoegden geen toegang hebben tot uw gegevens, en doordat ik geen informatie over u aan derden verstrek. Als mij wordt gevraagd om een rapportage of advies dan doe ik dat alleen op uw verzoek en via u, zodat u ook op de hoogte bent van de inhoud van de informatie die wordt verstrekt.

    De persoonlijke gegevens die ik verwerk zijn uw naam, adres en geboortedatum voor op de factuur ten behoeve van de zorgverzekering).

    De gegevens in het cliëntendossier blijven zoals in de wet op de behandelovereenkomst wordt vereist 20 jaar bewaard.

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